-Samuel Johnson
Samuel Johnson's quote, above, might also extend to vigilance in politics. [He didn't get everything right about politics, by the way, nor the Americas for that matter: see Taxation No Tyranny (1775)].
Like housework, politics is never finished; and it is precisely when things seem to be going reasonably well that we let our collective guard down, stop paying attention.
Faithless Elector, and the second book in the series, Dark Network (coming soon!) were never narrowly about political parties or merely the weakness(es) of the Electoral College; but rather, the precarious vulnerability of our democracy and its potential impotency in the face of decisive, ruthless, well-heeled interests.
"Governments are instituted among Men," the Declaration of Independence reads, "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed". The Faithless Elector series stares unblinking at the forces arrayed to thwart and negate that consent. Taken together, they are the stories of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.
I'm gratified that readers (see Amazon reviews) and independent reviewers have picked up on these broader themes of political accountability and personal responsibility, of the necessity for "ordinary" people to participate in the life of their nation.
To take just three examples:
- Book Viral Review: "Taut and well-paced, but for readers reading between the lines it also works on a moral level." (emphasis mine)
- "The pleasure of Faithless Elector lies not just its smooth evocative prose, but in the author's justified confidence that good writing can make chases through recognizable locales sufficiently exciting without a Navy SEAL or a terrorist plot." Review, Plattsburgh Press-Republican
- Publishers Weekly Review: "A fast-moving topical thriller...Surprising twists...add up to a highly suspenseful read."
The series has never been about the rightness or fitness of one party or another. Parties are, after all, at least responsible and responsive to their constituents; and ideally, when a party no longer has our consent, they are voted out. The series is about what can happen when a tiny group seeks extra-democratic means to take control for their own benefit. In that way, the books may be more prophetic than even I imagined. You should see for yourself.
James McCrone is the author of Faithless Elector, a suspense-thriller, Publishers Weekly calls a “fast-moving topical thriller.” Its “surprising twists add up to a highly suspenseful read.” The sequel, Dark Network, is coming soon.
Faithless Elector, by James McCrone is available through Amazon.
If you live in Philadelphia, pick up a copy at Head House Books -or- Penn Book Center
If you live in Philadelphia, pick up a copy at Head House Books -or- Penn Book Center
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